Thursday, October 31, 2019
Strategy Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Strategy Implementation - Essay Example We need to shift with it and we implement every strategy with result-oriented mindset" (Ambrosini, pp. 123-126). McConnon (pp. 46-51) mentions that Intel recognizes the need for continually analyzing and reviewing its strategies in order to meet the changes and challenges that come from the external environments so as to meet the stakeholders' expectations. Intel strives for business renewal and revitalization as a way of dealing effectively with the impact of the information society on today's dynamic industry. This paper discusses Strategy Implementation in the context of the case study of Intel in a concise and comprehensive way. Intel is an innovation-driven organization that strongly believes that competitive advantage can be achieved by choosing the right option at the right time so as to create value to Intel's key stakeholders: its customers. To achieve this Intel uses the following key drivers: According to Edwards (pp. 46-47) due to Intel's successful early days into the semiconductor industry, Intel established itself as one of the leading brands in the hi-tech sector. Intel managed to create and develop such an established and well recognized brand by being able to launch new products as well as being able to reinvent itself (e.g. moving from semiconductor memories to microprocessors). In other words, management created a dynamic internal environment where people were encouraged to accept 'change' as part of Intel's corporate culture. This was achieved through designing a matrix structure that favored and facilitated the flow of information and knowledge across the organization. Intel managed to create an internal environment that requires employees to deal with challenging corporate goals (i.e. result orientated) and beliefs (i.e. attention to details/quality, professionalism, etc) in a team-based and open-minded workplace. Given the dynamic industry Intel is operating in, innovation can be obtained through investing heavily in Research and Development (R&D). All the above-mentioned strengths may only feature in an organization that has great managerial vision; in other words, Intel's management was able to analyze the changing patterns of the industry, make choices (see the "buying options") and implement them quickly (i.e. strategic flexibility) in order to achieve competitiveness. Finally, another major strength may be identified: Intel believes that listening to its customers and working close with its business partners is a pivotal factor in the search for competitive advantage and, indeed, corporate success (Einhorn, pp. 52-53). Culture was of great importance to Intel. The 2-in-a-box management philosophy enabled top management to form a complementary and well-balanced team by combining philosophical and pragmatic skills. The 2-in-a-box philosophy reflects Intel's culture: it requires both strong personalities (egos) and teamwork (a philosophical dichotomy). Intel's culture is focused on being aggressive and direct, as suggested by Bob Noyce (1988) "people get respected or get ahead because of their abilities, not their position. You can always tell the boss he's wrong". Being a knowledge-based
Monday, October 28, 2019
Animal Experimentation Essay Example for Free
Animal Experimentation Essay After deep consideration and research about animal testing issues, this problem heated public opinions and took them to debates on media, news, etc. Animals were not experimented in order to find out potential treatments for patients, scientists also used them for testing cosmetic or explore their functions. Because opponents believe animal testing is cruel and ill-gotten and a lot of fight, protests, reasons against it, so everyone try to decrease the number of animals used in studies and finding alternatives. But proponents indicated the long list of medical advances made achievable with the help of animal research. They assumed that technological advances will never be able to reliably replicate all of the uses of laboratory mice and other creatures. First off lets get through a few basic facts. Animal testing costs over $136 billion dollars annually for the American public, so animal testing is actually very expensive. There are almost 400 known alternatives for animal testing being considered. Only 2% of human diseases are recorded inside of the animal kingdom. Everyone, whether they are for or against animal testing, are very biased about their ideas but I will also tell you about the valuable things that are generated from animal testing. Many things such as cleaners, pesticides, and herbicides are tested on animals to make sure they are safe as well. There are many different kinds of tests for different things. For example dogs are used for cardiovascular work. Now lets move on to all of the awful things coming from animal testing. I feel that animal testing is definitely giving us information but it is not worth it for all the pain the animals are experiencing. Some of the animals are not properly anesthetized. In fact, almost ten percent arent and 9 % of the ones who are die. I believe that these laboratories are not using the animals to the full extent anyway because all of the drugs that pass through animal testing either harm or kill humans 61% of the time. Is that the kind of results that should be coming out of this, especially since 33 animals die in a laboratory every second? Some scientists even will say that they believe that rats and mice dont matter because they dont live very long anyway, but I believe that they shouldnt take what little life they have away from them. We can not be completely sure if animal testing is very efficient either because 83% of tested products are found to e metabolized differently with humans and animals. Also a group of scientists tested on animals to see if they got lung cancer from smoking and they didnt, so is it safe to use them for our tests. It is also proven that cats are allergic to Advil. Animals also generate high levels of depression and stress from being contained inside of small cages. Did you know that 5 to 25 % of all drugs that come from animal tests that pass and then are later found to be bad are thrown away. Is it really fair for the animals if they have to give their lives and then we just throw away everything that comes out of it? A lot of scientists have come to the conclusion that animal testing is outdated anyway and they should consider more modern testing. They believe that we should be looking more into computer programs especially since you dont have to wait nearly as long for results and it is much cheaper. Animals must feel the same amount of pain we humans do; some might say otherwise because they dont understand that the animals may be more intelligent and emotional than it seems. Most scientists feel that they get better results and they can be more confident from the amount of data that arrives after a human based test. Even though scientists feel this way I still dont think that we should allow human tests either. It is also a proven fact that most scientists who do animal tests have very high levels of guilt and sorrow even though animal facilities work very hard to make sure the scientists dont become emotionally connected with the animals. Some people, including me, might even say that animals have become the slaves of our generation and we need to fix that. Just because they are inferior doesnt mean we should pick on them. In fact you dont see the smart people in America picking on the dumber or poorer people by subjecting them to tests. About 99% of all physicians have agreed that animal testing has played a great roll in medical advancements. About 97% of those physicians support animal testing. So if all of these very well educated people believe that we should keep it, should we really get rid of it? After all, animal testing does help us find out answers for our medically related questions without us having to harm humans but we shouldnt have to harm animals either especially since there are so many alternatives. But that is a big problem for some countries were they feel it is immoral or it has been made illegal to use a drug without it having been tested on an animal. In some countries they have to be tested on two different types of mammals. Most people who are against animal testing, including me, say that animals are not very much like us internally. The people for animal testing could argue that they mostly just test the living patterns that occur when taking a certain drug that is being tested instead of going deep into the body where it actually would make a difference. As proof, animal testing has given us cures for Polio, Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Malaria and Mumps. Dont get the impression that the humans are selfish and they only use they results for themselves, scientists also use the results for medical advancements on animals. Also, we probably wouldnt be able to get as much information without animal testing. I believe that this is true, and computer programs will not give as many results, but they display results more quickly. Therefore, given time, computer programs may be just as effective. They also argue that the scientists try as hard as they can to make their experiments the least painful as possible. Many large organizations including a British organization called RDS have filed tests to find out about the claims against animal testing and they have found some of them to be false. Though the information in the above paragraphs give a strong argument I still believe that it should be abolished. I have found animal testing to be cruel and wrong. I hope that you have too, because without the peoples permission animal testing will never be properly stopped. I hope that you will make the right decision so that we can take a step towards establishing a more peaceful America and getting rid of one dreadful thing at a time.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Modernism And Modernisation In Architecture And Culture Philosophy Essay
Modernism And Modernisation In Architecture And Culture Philosophy Essay Discuss the various competing notions of Modernity, Modernism and Modernisation in architecture and culture in the writings of Robert Venturi/Denise Scott Brown using the writings of Michel Foucault and Jà ¼rgen Habermas to support your discussion. Introduction To begin this essay concerned with the issues of Modernity, Modernism and Modernisation, I think it is a necessity to first define the term Modern, as it links all three terms. Modern, according to Jà ¼rgen Habermas, was first used in late fifth century in order to distinguish the Christian present, from the pagan and Roman past. He argues that Modern can be used whenever the awareness of a new era developed in Europe through a change in the relationship to classical antiquity. For us people today, Habermas thinks modern begins with the Renaissance, however people considered themselves as modern in the age of Charlemagne in the twelfth century and in the Enlightenment. (Habermas, 1996). Through this Habermas describes the term modern as one, which can be used widely and has no definitive time period, as the concept behind it is based upon ones (or an eras) perception. Figure Habermas explanation of modern is supported by Vincent Scully, as he explains that Le Corbusiers, a pioneer of Modern architecture, teacher was the Greek temple (Figure 1), consisting of an isolated body, white and free in the landscape, its rigour clear in the sun. Le Corbusier during his early polemics would have his buildings just as the temple, as time went on his architecture began to progressively more and more incorporate the Greek Temples sculptural and heroic character. (Venturi, 1977) Scullys interpretation on the work of Le Corbusier directly, as Corbusier created a new direct relationship with the classical antiquity of Greek Temples. Michel Foucault, according to Barry Smart, takes a slightly different perspective to Habermas and Scullys interpretations of the term modern, he interprets modern as a placeholder when a more definite description is not known. He goes on to explain that the modern (or present) cannot recognise itself as a period and that if you can outline the characteristics that make up a period is to already be beyond it and has become the past. (Smart, 1994). Foucault an interesting insight into the modern, as simply a title giving to that which is unclassifiable , the present, and that once you can classify a time period then it is no longer modern and is the past. Modernity 1.1 Habermas argues that Modernity is an expression that represents the consciousness of an era that relates back to the past of classical antiquity in order understand itself as the movement from the old to the new. What Habermas called the Unfinished Project aims at a distinguishable reconnection of modern culture with an everyday sphere of the theory production process, which is dependent on living heritage. However, the aim of modernity can only be achieved if the process of social modernisation can be transformed into other non-capitalist directions, if the state of the current world is capable of developing institutions of its own way currently withdrawn by the self-ruling system dynamics of the economic and administrative systems. (Habermas, 1994) Venturi explains that Louis Khans or orthodox modern architects desire for simplicity, is satisfactory, when it is made valid through inner complexity. He goes to mention that the Doric Temples (Figure 2) simplicity to the eye is achieved through famous subtleties and precision of its distorted geometry and the contradictions and tensions inherent in its order, so it achieves apparent simplicity through real complexity. (Venturi, 1977). Through this Venturis point links directly to Habermas notion of modernity, as he is relating the new Modern architecture desire for simplicity to the simplicity achieved in the old architecture of the Doric Temple, thereby highlighting a transition from the old to new. Figure Michel Foucault takes a different approach from Habermas as he denotes Modernity as something which is characterised by a combination of power/knowledge relations around the subject of life, a life that is now possible to master through science. He goes on to argue that the human races problem does not only consist of a fear of destruction through chemical or atomic pollution, animal species extinction or depletion of natural resources; the idea that any malicious power could take over technologies for evil purposes, is only a false illusion to hide a genuine metaphysical anxiety that corresponds with the mastery of life. Through this Foucault states that this mastery of life, through science, transforms the living, crushing it. As opposed to turning it into a knowledge base upon which could support us, thus making the living being more and more artificial. (Jose, 1998) Habermas produces a definition of Modernity, which takes a more of social/economical perspective, with his relation between social modernization and capitalism and between the worlds institutions and autonomous economic and administrative systems. On the other hand Foucault takes an approach in which he addresses how important the scientific aspect of modernity is and how it has affected out outlook on life as a whole. Figure According to Habermas, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Figure 3) was the first philosopher to develop a clear understanding of modernity. With the philosophers that came before him, Hegel located the core of modernity in the principle of subjectivity, which had previously been discussed by Kant, who saw subjectivity as the foundation of science, morality and art fields. Hegel argued that since modernity was based on subjectivity and the power of critical reflection, only philosophical reason could achieve the hoped-for reconciliation and overcome the doubt of modern subjectivity. This interpretation lead to the articulation of Hegels notion of absolute spirit, which is the consuming activity of self-discovery, the unconditionally self-productive self-relation, interceding subjectivity and objectivity, nature and spirit, finitude and infinity. (Habermas, 1996, Pg. 6) Modernity and the Enlightenment David Harvey describes Enlightenment thought as that which embraced the idea of progression and actively wanted that break with history and tradition which modernity adopts. It was a non-religious movement that sought the removal of obscurity and sacredness of knowledge and social organisation in order to free human beings from their chains. (Harvey, 1989). The project of modernity, as referred to by Habermas, came into focus during eighteenth century. This developed an intellectual effort by Enlightenment thinkers to advance in objective science, universal ethics and law, and autonomous art according to their inner logic. The idea behind this was to may use of the knowledge gained by many people working freely and creatively in pursuit of human emancipation and the enrichment of daily life. Harvey denotes Enlightenment thought as a thought process which strives to remove the unease about pursuing knowledge and social organisation so that we can remove the chains in our minds, which prevents us from gaining more knowledge. This links into Habermas, where he touches upon a characteristic of Enlightenment thinking, which is to advance and enrich daily life through the gain of more knowledge. According to Habermas, through opposing the classical and the romantic to each other, modernity wished to create its own past in an idealised vision of the Middle Ages. During the nineteenth century the Romanticism produced a radicalised realisation of modernity that detached itself from all previous historical connections and understood itself solely in abstract opposition to tradition and history as a whole. (Habermas, 1996) I do not agree with this statement as Habermas contradicts himself as he previously denoted modernity as an expression that represents the consciousness of an era that refers back to the past of classical antiquity precisely in order to comprehend itself as the result of a transition from the old to the new. (Habermas,1996, Pg. 39) With reference to this notion, it would impossible for a type of modernity to develop that not have historical connections and abstractly opposed tradition and history entirely. Modernity as an avant-garde The mentality of aesthetic modernity began to form with Charles Pierre Baudelaire and with his theory of art, which had been influenced by Edgar Allan Poe. This unfolded in the avant-garde artistic movements and then achieved its peak with surrealism and the Dadaists of the Cafà © Voltaire. This mentality is characterised by a set of attitudes, which formed around a new transformed consciousness of time, which expresses itself in the spatial metaphor of the avant-garde. This avant-garde explores the unknown, thereby exposing itself to the risk of sudden and shocking encounters, conquering an undetermined future and must find a path for itself in previously unknown domains. (Habermas, 1996) Modernism Modernisation Conclusion Total Word Count:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Public Health and Nineteenth-Century Literature Essay -- European Euro
Public Health and Nineteenth-Century Literature "To envy nought beneath the ample sky; to mourn no evil deed, no hour misspent and, like a living violet, silently return in sweets to heaven what goodness lent, then bend beneath the chastening shower content." -Elliot The concerns and problems of the people living in nineteenth century England differed dramatically from those that eventually challenged those living in the same place during the 20th century. During the nineteenth century the English were plagued with many epidemics, but lacked the knowledge and capability to successfully treat and eliminate these diseases. London, like other British cities, had appalling sanitary conditions. These conditions were responsible for a rash of epidemics which so heightened public concern about the city's poor health conditions that in 1848 a general Board of Health was established. Among the Board's members was Edwin Chadwick. In that same year, John Simon, a London surgeon, was appointed London's Medical Officer of Health. Chadwick and Simon dominated London's public health movement from the 1840's - 1870's. Indeed, these two gentlemen were behind the 1875 Public Health Act which consolidated and expanded previous legislation on housing and sanitation, noxious trades and factory conditions. During this same time period, John Snow documented the importance of clean water to public health. Despite these efforts, however, cities like London continued to have higher mortality rates than rural areas until late Victorian times. Initially, physicians at this time were not equipped to handle the serious epidemics that were arising out of the poor health conditions of the time. They argued over the epidemics' origins, the appropri... ...olera found? In overcrowded filthy conditions, water supplies, unwholesome food etc. He was only one of the many authors telling the stories of his time. References Dickens, Charles, Dombey and Son. First published in 1848, Reprinted in Penguin Classics in 1985. Gaskell, Elizabeth, Mary Barton. First published in 1848. Reprinted in Penguin Classics in 1985. Pelling, Margaret, Cholera, Fever, and English Medicine 1825-1865. Oxford University Press, 1978. Russell, WMS, Biology and Human Affairs: A British Social Hygiene Council Publication. "Biology and Literature in Britain, 1500-1900. . . " Pages 50-72. Smith, F.B., The People's Health 1830-1910. Published by Holmes and Meier, 1979, New York, New York. USA. Williams, Guy, The Age of Miracles, Medicine and Surgery in the Nineteenth Century. Academy Chicago Publishers, Chicago, Ill., 1987.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lecture Ready – Chapter 4 – Lecture Outline
Bui Ng? c Minh Anh BABAUH11045 Listening AE1 Chapter 4 ââ¬â Lecture Outline TOPIC: Technology is changing the music industry. I. Democritization of music industry: 1. Making of music: a. Professional tools of recording studio on personal computers. b. No longer needs a recording company to make high-quality recordings. 2. Promotion of music: a. On the internet, anyone can be a critic. b. People post preview, opion and their music work on music sites, blogs or create their own audio blogs. . Promotion tools has been popularize. 3. Distribution of music: a. MP3 files ââ¬â the most popular way to get music. b. There are many sites to buy single or album of music. c. Files sharing ââ¬â P2P networks ââ¬â sharing all over the world. II. Copyright: (The U. S. laws and international agreements on ownership and rights to distribute property) 1. Tools make music easy to record, promote, distribute also make it easy to steal. 2.P2P networks can be used in legal way, however, 90% of music downloaded violates copyright ââ¬â people trade music illegally. 3. How to stop, or reduce copyright infringement: a. Music companies and musicians believe that itââ¬â¢s needed to restrict file-sharing on the internet: ââ¬â Companies that make it easy to share file and make money from it should not be allowed to operate. ââ¬â Should nstall security devices that make it harder to copy and share files to protect the companies and musiciansââ¬â¢ rights. . The file-sharing sites and technology companies disagree to restrict all uses to protect copyright: ââ¬â The free flow of information led to some of the most technological advances of the world. ââ¬â Restrict internet sharing not only limit the file sharing but also limit the innovation. c. Other group of people think that itââ¬â¢s needed to have new models for how to pay artists and the music companies, that restrict file-sharing just wonââ¬â¢t work.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Life and Works of Picasso essays
Life and Works of Picasso essays It takes a long time to become young -Pablo Picasso Picasso was not only an extremely influential artist but was also politically active. He lived to be 92 years old and his life grew to be incredibly famous. He stood apart from the crowd, standing by his own political views even if they were not the norm at the time. Picasso was also a free thinker with his artwork. He had a unique style and due to this, he became the first artist to have fame during his lifetime. Picasso was born in 1881, Malaga, Spain. His parents Don Jose Ruiz and Dona Maria Lopez named him Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Pablo Picasso was baptized at the Iglesia de Santiago. Picasso was declared a delicate child due to an illness that affected his kidneys in the time between 1881-1890. He was sent to a private school where he never gained a full grasp of the alphabet or arithmetic. During this time he began to draw and paint under his fathers tuition. He overcomes his delicate description and enters secondary school and social activities with enthusiasm. He also shows this enthusiasm with his artwork. During the blue period (1901-1903) Picassos paintings focused mainly on the color blue. This particular color is effective in conveying a somber tone. The reason for picking blue, a depressing tone, was the suicide of Picassos' friend Casagemas. The blue period work is quite sentimental, but we must keep in mind that Picasso was still a teen, away from home for the first time, living in very poor conditions in Barcelona. Why blue dominated Picassos paintings during this time period remains unexplained. Possible influences could be photographs with a blush tinge popular at the time, poetry that stressed the color of blue in its imagery, or the paintings of French artists such as Eugene Carriere or Claude Monlet who based many of their paintings on color. Another explanat...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Write a Critical Essay on the Dangers of Antibiotics
How to Write a Critical Essay on the Dangers of Antibiotics A critical essay is, as the name would imply, a critical piece of writing. With this unique writing task, you want to analyze your text, or your article, or film. If your teacher has reviewed an article in class about the harms that are associated with antibiotics, or you read a book on how people today are building immunity, then you would want to focus on this precise text. Your goal here would be to present an examination or critique of one part of the text, or the whole text itself, or even to situate the text in the context of the bigger picture. If you are, for example, writing your paper on a popular book, you might critically analyze the tone of the book and how the tone influences the overall meaning. If you watched a documentary on antibiotics, you might provide a critical analysis on one of the main symbols, themes, or the music used in the documentary and how that shaped the reception of it. Selecting the Topic In many cases, it might behoove you to critically analyze the literary or film techniques employed by the writer or producer to see how they directly or indirectly influence the themes of the piece, the outcome, or the impact. If you canââ¬â¢t decide on the topic, you can use sample topics on the dangers of antibiotics prepared specially for such situations. If you want to use a book or an article as your basis, keep in mind that a short journal article might not show both sides to an argument because it is a specific niche, and it would then be your job to place the context of the article into a broader context by reviewing the time of the publication, works previously done by the author, or even what peer reviews were published before or after that might have led to this piece. Making Connections When exploring the concepts related to antibiotics, your goal in this style of writing would be to highlight the various dangers associated with them. Check out the facts on the dangers of antibiotics that precisely fit this topic. Some things which seem, and often are, positive and beneficial can bring with them serious dangers if they are not used in the proper fashion. Even mundane items like drinking glasses, if broken, will suddenly become dangerous. This is true of almost all things, and is most certainly true of antibiotics. Review the Piece To get started, sit down with the piece you are reviewing and read it through or watch it again but take notes as you do. Some people argue that if you change the font of the text (of course if you are typing your essay on your laptop), youââ¬â¢ll see most of the mistakes. You can try this method to edit your piece. Take Notes You want to take notes on the main purpose of the piece, the main ideas, what things about the piece are confusing, what the authorââ¬â¢s purpose was, and whether the piece successfully achieved its aim or not. By taking notes like this, you are already training your mind to critically analyze the work. As you look over your notes, keep your eyes peeled for patterns or for problems. See what problems with the work stand out, or what patterns you found throughout the text and try to find some solutions. If you noticed that one person interviewed for the opposition was brash, but the other interviewee in support of the author was kind and likeable, make an educated guess as to why that was. You want to keep your written analysis here on why certain elements in the text were effective or why they were functional and offer the reader evidence to support that claim. Feel free to hire a professional essay writer online at our online custom writing company designed to help college students with writing critical papers.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Benito Mussolini Essays - Politics, Political Philosophy
Benito Mussolini Essays - Politics, Political Philosophy Benito Mussolini Benito Mussolini In my perspective, my biography is based on one of the most interesting men of the 20th Century. My biography would not have been done without the knowledge of Edwin Hoyt. He was the author of the biography based on Benito Mussolini called Mussolinis Empire. This 298-page book describes Mussolinis rise and fall of the Fascist Empire. Benito Mussolini also known as il duce, was born in Predappio, Romagna on July 29, 1883. His father Alessandro was a blacksmith, and his mother Rosa was a Schoolteacher. Mussolini followed in his fathers footsteps and became a devoted socialist. In 1901 he qualified as an elementary schoolmaster. In 1902 he went to Switzerland to find a job. They arrested him and kicked him out of the country because he was vagabonding. They took him back to Italy where he joined a staff of a newspaper in the Austrian town of Trento in 1908. Mussolinis contributions to society werent really contributions; they were more like threats to society. One of the biggest threats that he introduced was in March 1919 when he founded the Fasci de Combattimento. This brought him up for elections in 1919, where he failed to enter the parliament. In 1921, Mussolini was introduced to the parliament as a right-wing member. Italy was growing in revolutionary confusion, and it was up for the liberal governments to prevent the spread of anarchy because Mussolini gave his approval in strikebreaking, so that meant that the Fascisti also known as armed squads would be stagnant and not try to prevent any revolutionary agitation. The liberal governments failed to stop the spread of anarchy. Due to their failure the king had no choice but to ask Mussolini to form his own government. In 1925-1926 he was able to assume dictatorial parties and dissolve all other political parties. Now you might ask yourself How is this a threat to society? Well, this was not only a threat to society but also a threat to his society. This man had power to control the whole country. He was able to choose and make any rules that he w anted. Now if you ask me, this man was incredible. Started out as an editor of a socialist newspaper and ended up as a dictator controlling Italy. This man controlled the armed Fascist militia, this power gave him the ability to declare war and use them in any way he wanted. Now that their was dictatorship there was no need for the parliamentary system, so it was practically abolished, law codes were rewritten, teachers in schools and universities had to swear an oath to defend the Fascist regime. Newspaper editors were chosen by Mussolini himself. If you didnt have a certificate approved by the Fascist party you could forget about having a journalism career. All industries went from public to private ownership. Everything was under governmental control. As you can see Italys society was hit hard. I mean their whole history was wiped out like it was never there, and all of a sudden Italy was introduced to a beginning of a new era. Dictatorship also affected society itself outside Italy. In Mussolinis footsteps followed Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany. Mussolini had an imperial dream, and Hitler had no dream he just wanted to wipe out Jews and take over as many lands as possible. Everything was going well for Mussolini until 1943 when the Italians got defeated by Anglo-Americans landing in Sicily. After this happened Mussolinis colleagues turned against him at a meeting of the Fascist Grand Council on July 25, 1943. This enabled the king to dismiss and arrest him. Hitler being the subordinate partner of Mussolini ordered his troops to rescue him. Mussolini infuriated that his Fascist leaders let him down, he got some to get executed including his son in law, Galeazzo Ciano. Another conflict that he was faced with was trying to make it to Switzerland without getting caught by any Italians. In April 1945 just before the allied armies reached Milan, Mussolini along with his mistress Clara Petacci, were caught by Italian partisans as he tried to take refuge in Switzerland. Unfortunately they were both executed by getting Shot. Even after Mussolini got shot he got beat up.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Choose what you want Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Choose what you want - Coursework Example The DIAD has also been put under tests that most smartphones cannot survive, and these include; heat, cold, torrential rain and drop from six feet. UPSââ¬â¢s investment in IT will help it achieve strategic business objectives in the following ways. Financial Strategic Objectives: UPS will be able to achieve its financial objectives since investment in IT will win it more loyal customers. More customers mean more profits and UPS will experience a financial growth. Customer Strategic Objectives: by investing in IT, UPS is improving its customerââ¬â¢s service approach. Customers are enjoying working with UPS with every technological advancement that they make. Customer satisfaction is important to customer retention and obtaining new customers. Operational Strategic Objectives: UPSââ¬â¢s investment in IT will see the parcel delivery company grow into the most technologically advanced company and thus will always be ahead of its competitors in the market. Their services will also be of high standard due to the efficiency of IT in business, for example, the use of cameras to document the extent of damage on a parcel will improve the handling of packages by the drivers. Moreover, UPS will be able to realize improved communication with the improvement in IT that is important in the development of operational strategic objectives as communication between a customer and the company improves the efficiency of any business. Ultimately, learning Strategic Objective: drivers employed by UPS have to learn how to use the new technology in package delivery and they have to be good at it. Good performance by the drivers and other staff members in use of IT in their job. The company will, therefore, be able to achieve its Learning Str ategic Objectives by training its employees on emerging trends in the IT
Friday, October 18, 2019
Is Facebook Growimg Up Too Fast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Is Facebook Growimg Up Too Fast - Essay Example 1). The company creates technologies that would enhance its goal of sharing information and interaction by individuals with people they know ââ¬Å"in a trusted environmentâ⬠(About Facebook par. 1) in line with its mission of providing ââ¬Å"people the power to share and make the world more open and connectedâ⬠(Facebook Announces par. 7). In just two years after its launch in February 2004, Facebook reached more than 8 million users in the U.S. alone (Yadav par. 1). And the increase in membership has been accelerating on a daily basis. But can this unprecedented increase in membership be a sufficient parameter to determine Facebookââ¬â¢s success as a social networking site. Brad Stone published an article in New York Times that attempts to provide answers to this question. Stone said Facebook reached a near 200 million users mark in just five years which has doubled in just eight months (as of August 2008), making it a major ââ¬Å"social ecosystemâ⬠(Stone par. 2). Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg does not view such quantity a success ââ¬Å"but the percentage of the wired world that uses the site and the amount of information - photographs, news articles and status updates ââ¬â zipping across its serversâ⬠(Stone par. 9). Currently, one million users are added to its membership daily, 70 percent of whom come from other countries that joined when the services are offered in the local languages. Through Facebook, individuals are able to reconnect with lost relatives and friends, and create new bonds as well. It also became a launching pad for activism in 2008 and cut across social boundaries (friendship created between a school teacher and a prime minister). Dissatisfaction occurred among members when a new design and terms of service were introduced. Within the community, 2.5 million joined ââ¬Å"Millions Against Facebookââ¬â¢s New Layout and Terms of Serviceâ⬠to oppose the dissemination of status updates (e.g. going to lunch) (Stone
Wembley stadium management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Wembley stadium management - Case Study Example Wembley Stadium is the iconic stadium with very remarkable historical basis as far back as 1924. It is one of the most spectacular football stadiums in the world, with long term commitment to games.It is one of the key places to hold International Sports Event Management with Security System. The new Wembley is a state of the art facility designed by globally renowned architects for hosting national and international events in sports, music and environment. The ultimate stage for major events, built to the highest specifications, using the latest technology and promising the ultimate event experience. "Wembley will provide the luxurious conditions in which to host the leading conference on sports event management and security. The prestigious Corinthian Room will give the perfect backdrop to our exhibition and a fantastic area for delegates from all over the world to network and build relationships during coffee breaks or over lunch. "Wembley Stadium is a truly iconic venue, known th e world over. It will be a fitting venue for the Olympic Football finals (Cloe, 2007) Team of management aims to provide the best possible and safest environment for its users and local community.The architecture of the Stadium is of great acknowledgement. "Visible right across London with it's 133 metre tall arch - the longest single span steel roof structure in the world - the revolutionary stadium will seat up to 90,000 spectators. It is promised to be one of the world's greatest stadiums, with outstanding facilities, unrivalled acoustics and sell-out sporting matches - all under it's retractable roof" (Arup, 2007) This great facility and the magnanimous scale at which the events would take place requires a team of skilful people to manage the smooth and efficient event management as well as security, to ensure maximum customer satisfaction with the experience. The access has to be controlled determining minimum car usage, and more efficient public transport. This would be vital to successful infrastructure maintenance and management. The upgrading and improvement on both the Wembley Stadium Station and Wembley Central Stations have to be given priority. It would also require for improved section of highway known as the Stadium Access Corridor. "With our wealth of experience in project and risk management, technical expertise, procurement know-how, funding strategies and stakeholder management, we are driving the project forward to ensure everything remains on track for the scheduled opening".(Arup) The event management of the magnitude which takes place at Wembley would require efficient infrastructure, vigilant security, good public transport system, variety of kiosks and other facilities, facilities management for meeting the needs of 90,000 spectators, good data access system and effective waste management. "Improving sustainability at Wembley Stadium is a long-term goal. We are excited to have support from the stadium's management team and know these programs will positively affect future events held there."(Wembley, 2007) The combined effort of the management team working in harmony with the government agencies would ensure successful Wembley Stadium Management, which will be the centre for ongoing events and sports performances. The attraction to events taking place at Wembley Stadium would have to cater to the needs of the international as well as national audience. The information needs to be available in different languages and the stadium should have the service to attend to the needs of non-English speaking people. The visual signs on display should be graphically clear and bold in display and communication. The stadium should have very clear and correct visual guide, directing spectators to the right designated areas of interest. Besides this there should be usherers to assist those who are lost or confused. The security system should be able to keep up with the vigilance without too much delay and equipped with latest technology which would ensure quick safety measure.
Intrenational and Pacific Asian Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Intrenational and Pacific Asian Business - Essay Example This essay declares that China after this all crisis in the East Asian region, China created their stable position by performing the business activities in peaceful manner and by making good relations with the rest of the world. This paper makes a conclusion that after understanding and going through the whole situation, we can summarize that China being the world super power played a very vital role in the performance of the economy in East Asian region. They created their long term relationships with the rest of the world. Even when the USSR was split and Russian Federation came into being then even that time China established good relations with everyone. Their success is because they keep their policies and culture side by side. Their friendly attitude towards others and welcoming nature improved their market position. China faced great boom in the history but with every boom in the economy there is always a fall too. Good part was that China was able to gain the sustainable position in this world by its abilities and skills. On the other hand, Japan after the great natural disaster of Earthquake they improved their position in the market due to the crisis management strategy. International business in C hina is improved due to the cultural contexts. As China is the biggest market therefore internationally many firms try to establish their good reputation in their region and for this negotiation with Chinese people is another art because it is difficult to deal with China due to their cultural barriers.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
NEC3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
NEC3 - Essay Example New Engineering Contracts 3rd Edition or NEC3 is a modernistic family of contracts of contracts. It helps in implementing construction project management and supervisory principles. NEC3 synchronises the different business and engineering practices and also renders definitions for the different legal relationships and liabilities. Hence, adoption of NEC3 family of contracts culminates at an altogether cultural transformation of a construction company and its different construction project sites and subsidiaries. According to New Engineering Contract (2005), the principal feature of this cultural transformation is the complete abandonment of a hindsight dependent reactive management paradigm. NEC3 helps the construction company and its various contractors to embark on a foresight based proactive management mechanism with clearly defined contracting rules and regulations that are fair towards both the employers and the contracting agencies. The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) has endorsed NEC3 as a family of contracts that can satisfy the contemporary Achieving Excellence in Construction (AEC) principles (New Engineering Contracts, 2005). This implies that NEC3 is compliant with the most recent government regulations laid down by the 21st century legal developments of UK. In this context, NEC3 contracts can be synchronised with the regulations such as Utilities Contracts Regulations (2006) too (Ashworth, 2011; Close, 2011). OGC has recommended the use of NEC3 family of contracts by the public sector procurers on their construction projects for the sake of authenticity and complexity issues. So it can be further deduced that NEC3 has been recommended by OGC as a compact and unitary engineering contracts mechanism. This is not the case with JCT2011. JCT contracts (as devised by the Joint Contacts Tribunal Limited,
Romanticism as Literary Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Romanticism as Literary Period - Essay Example Even Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey, a confessional account of how nature is more than a memory of youth ("And I have felt a presence that disturbs me with joy / Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime / Of something far more deeply interfused, ) was coming from a man whose social and intellectual moorings reflected not just rustic roots. More particularly, the poem renders philosophical and meditative aspects of the sophisticated thinker often found in cultural and urban centers, which consequently finds ways to go back to the original sources of inspiration, mystery and awe, peeling the layers of stale customs and traditions to reveal the workings of nature or even the supernatural, (as portrayed by Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner). The Lyrical Ballads, objectively speaking could be said to a political statement asserting the primacy of the individual's feelings and imagination, and it has done so, moreso in intent. Execution-wise it was a bit too grandstanding, as other writ ers of other periods could also be called "romantic". The way that Wordworth's self-consciously and literally chose ordinary individuals and the rustic life as the worthwhile romantic subjects was an attempt to further drive down the point that poetry should be democratic (an offshoot of the influences of the French Revolution) and that it is the individual that matters, not custom and traditions. Shelley In the last two lines of A Defence of Poetry, Shelley sums up the power of poets to change society and awaken the masses: "Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." The poets, according to Shelley, belong to those classes of men in which the excitability of passions is strongest, and which the impressions or going-ons of nature and society work their magic - the apprehensions of the formerly "unapprehended", and consequently, this is communicated by the poets to society which is responsible for the continuity of language, and thus of society. Furthermore, according to Shelley, "the great instrument of moral good is the imagination; and poetry administers to the effect by acting u pon the cause." It is not that poetry directs or points out the rights and the wrongs, but in as much it moves mankind to the pursuit of what are sublime and beautiful and the eternal, and these have been the common goal of poetry since the ancient times. Shelley's poetry in awe-inspired tones invokes this spirit of poetry as a mover of mankind and society, primarily in they way that this spirit moves them, the poets. In Mutability, the endurance of human beings, rooted in nature's unchanging mutability, day in and day out is upheld. In Mont Blanc, Shelley regards the mountain as containing the "secret Strength of things / Which governs thought. More emphatically, Shelley in Ode to the West Wind, pleads for this
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Intrenational and Pacific Asian Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Intrenational and Pacific Asian Business - Essay Example This essay declares that China after this all crisis in the East Asian region, China created their stable position by performing the business activities in peaceful manner and by making good relations with the rest of the world. This paper makes a conclusion that after understanding and going through the whole situation, we can summarize that China being the world super power played a very vital role in the performance of the economy in East Asian region. They created their long term relationships with the rest of the world. Even when the USSR was split and Russian Federation came into being then even that time China established good relations with everyone. Their success is because they keep their policies and culture side by side. Their friendly attitude towards others and welcoming nature improved their market position. China faced great boom in the history but with every boom in the economy there is always a fall too. Good part was that China was able to gain the sustainable position in this world by its abilities and skills. On the other hand, Japan after the great natural disaster of Earthquake they improved their position in the market due to the crisis management strategy. International business in C hina is improved due to the cultural contexts. As China is the biggest market therefore internationally many firms try to establish their good reputation in their region and for this negotiation with Chinese people is another art because it is difficult to deal with China due to their cultural barriers.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Romanticism as Literary Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Romanticism as Literary Period - Essay Example Even Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey, a confessional account of how nature is more than a memory of youth ("And I have felt a presence that disturbs me with joy / Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime / Of something far more deeply interfused, ) was coming from a man whose social and intellectual moorings reflected not just rustic roots. More particularly, the poem renders philosophical and meditative aspects of the sophisticated thinker often found in cultural and urban centers, which consequently finds ways to go back to the original sources of inspiration, mystery and awe, peeling the layers of stale customs and traditions to reveal the workings of nature or even the supernatural, (as portrayed by Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner). The Lyrical Ballads, objectively speaking could be said to a political statement asserting the primacy of the individual's feelings and imagination, and it has done so, moreso in intent. Execution-wise it was a bit too grandstanding, as other writ ers of other periods could also be called "romantic". The way that Wordworth's self-consciously and literally chose ordinary individuals and the rustic life as the worthwhile romantic subjects was an attempt to further drive down the point that poetry should be democratic (an offshoot of the influences of the French Revolution) and that it is the individual that matters, not custom and traditions. Shelley In the last two lines of A Defence of Poetry, Shelley sums up the power of poets to change society and awaken the masses: "Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." The poets, according to Shelley, belong to those classes of men in which the excitability of passions is strongest, and which the impressions or going-ons of nature and society work their magic - the apprehensions of the formerly "unapprehended", and consequently, this is communicated by the poets to society which is responsible for the continuity of language, and thus of society. Furthermore, according to Shelley, "the great instrument of moral good is the imagination; and poetry administers to the effect by acting u pon the cause." It is not that poetry directs or points out the rights and the wrongs, but in as much it moves mankind to the pursuit of what are sublime and beautiful and the eternal, and these have been the common goal of poetry since the ancient times. Shelley's poetry in awe-inspired tones invokes this spirit of poetry as a mover of mankind and society, primarily in they way that this spirit moves them, the poets. In Mutability, the endurance of human beings, rooted in nature's unchanging mutability, day in and day out is upheld. In Mont Blanc, Shelley regards the mountain as containing the "secret Strength of things / Which governs thought. More emphatically, Shelley in Ode to the West Wind, pleads for this
Arizona Prop 200 Essay Example for Free
Arizona Prop 200 Essay As with any other impositions of the law elevated to the national government, there will always be a certain degree of advantages and disadvantages. In a specific aspect, implementing the Arizona Prop 200 will definitely change the economic processes of the US financial system. à à à à The Arizona Prop 200 is an initiative which allows for a more strict process of requiring citizens to generate proofs of legitimacy of their citizenship. This equates to the right to vote and to acquire public benefits from different administration units. (Wikipedia, 2007). The main effect of the project can be seen in terms of financial considerations with respect to the actual expenditures of the entire federal government. Since there will be an increase in restrictions to sort out whether a particular person is a US citizen or not prior to be able to vote and get citizen benefits, there will also be an increase in expenses in order to adjust the budgetary allocation for the said government program. Doing some additional tasks and employing much more people in order to identify legitimate citizens will mean additional resource facilitation. Thus, allocation processes for the use of money will be altered. à à à à In a positive perspective, it is also possible to maximize the route of budget allocation which should be granted to the publicââ¬â¢s needs and welfare. Since there will be a very good way of identifying people who are eligible to receive the government benefits, sufficient financial amounts will be sustained in a very optimized manner. All the collected taxes will be used by people who are actual legitimate citizens of the United States. Aside from achieving financial advantages, it would also be fair for the actual tax payers to receive the benefits they are entitled to. References Wikipedia. 2007. Arizona Prop 200 (2004). Wikipedia-The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 16 2007 from
Monday, October 14, 2019
Theories of Genes and Cancer
Theories of Genes and Cancer The Wind in the Trees In the late 1950s, Peter Nowell and David Hungerford, two pathologists from Philadelphia had found an unusual chromosomal pattern in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cells. In CML cells, Novell found that one copy of chromosome 22 had its head lopped off. Novell called this abnormality the Philadelphia chromosome after the place of discovery. In 1973, a hematologist in Chicago named Janet Bowley followed this study, looking for the missing pieces of the Philadelphia chromosome. She found a pattern. The missing head of chromosome 22 had attached itself to the tip of chromosome 9. And a piece of chromosome 9 had attached itself to chromosome 22. This genetic event was called a translocation the transposition of two pieces of chromosomes. Bowley found this same translocation in the cells of every CML patient. Cancer was not disorganized chaos, but an organized chromosomal chaos resulting from specific, identical mutations. Chromosome translocation can create new genes called chimeras by fusing two genes formerly located on two different chromosomes. The CML translocation, Rowley postulated, had created such a chimera. *** In 1969, Alfred Knudson, a geneticist at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, wanted to capture a pattern of inheritance of cancer by studying retinoblastoma, an hereditary eye cancer. Retinoblstoma has two distinct variants, an inherited familial form and a sporadic form. Children who suffer from the familial form may have strong family histories of the disease, and they typically develop tumors in both eyes. Children with the sporadic form never have a history in the family and always have a tumor in only one eye. By studying cohorts of children with the two types of cancers, Knudson discovered the cohorts developed cancers at different speeds. Inherited retinoblastoma cancer develops at early ages, typically between 2 to 6 months old. Sporadic retinoblastoma cancer develops at older ages, typically between ages 2 to 4 years old. Humans inherit two copies of every gene, one from each parent. Knudson postulated that both copies of the Retinoblastoma (Rb) gene needed to be inactivated through mutation to develop retinoblastoma. Some children inherit one mutated version and one normal version of the Rb gene. The inherited mutation is the first hit. These children are thus predisposed to the cancer, and only a single additional genetic mutation is needed for them to develop the cancer. So they develop cancer at earlier ages. Sporadic retinoblastoma develops at later ages because two independent mutations have to accumulate in the cell. Knudson called this the two-hit hypothesis of cancer. For certain cancer-causing genes, two mutational hits are needed to produce cancer. At first glance, Knudsons two-hit theory seemed at odds with the src gene, which only required one activated copy to cause cancer. The answer is because the two genes perform two different functions. The src gene creates a hyperactive kinase that provokes perpetual cell division to cause cancer, while the Rb gene performs the opposite function. It is a cancer suppressor gene, or an anti-oncogene. It requires two mutation hits to inactivate such a gene. A Risky Prediction Risky prediction is a process scientists used to validate untested theories. For instance, the return of Halleys comet in 1758 validated Newtons law of gravity. The first risky prediction involved Varmus and Bishops hypothesis on oncogenes. In the late 1970s, Varmus and Bishop had shown that the precursors of oncogenes, also called proto-oncogenes, already existed in all normal cells. They hypothesized that mutations in such proto-oncogenes caused cancer. To prove that they were right, we needed to the mutated versions of such proto-oncogenes inside the cancer cells. How does one find such a gene? The MIT cancer biologist Robert Weinberg had an idea. If he transfers a fragment of the DNA containing the activated oncogene from the cancer cell into normal cells, then the activated oncogene should induce the normal cells to divide and proliferate, producing a foci out of the normal cells in the petri dish. By repeating this process and dividing the DNA fragments into smaller and smaller fragments, he should be able to isolate the culprit. In the summer of 1979, a graduate student in Weinbergs lab named Chiaho Shih went through the experiment using mouse cancer cells. He verified that the method worked for mouse cancer cells. They then moved on to human cancer cells. Three years later in 1982, Weinberg isolated a gene called ras from human cancer cells. The mutated ras gene encoded a hyperactive protein permanently locked on. It was the long-sought native human oncogene, captured out of a cancer cell. Meanwhile, two other scientists, Mariano Barbacid, and Michael Wigler had also independently discovered the ras gene in 1982. The second risky prediction the hypothesis that retinoblastoma was caused by the mutation of two copies of Rb genes. Thad Dryja, an ophthalmologist and geneticist, suspected that the mutation responsible was likely a deletion of the gene. To prove the hypothesis, Dryja wanted to prove that the two copies of the Rb gene were deleted from the cancer cells. Week after week, Dryja extracted the chromosomes from his big collections of tumors and ran his probe set against the chromosomes. Eventually, he saw a blank space in his probes. A piece of DNA was missing in probe H3-8 of the tumor cells. Dryja took his probe to Steve Friend who had a collection of normal cells in Weinbergs lab. Friend applied the H3-8 probe to normal cells and isolated the gene on that location. Both copies of the Rb genes were indeed deleted from the cancer cells. The third risky prediction involved the hypothesis that activated oncogenes cause cancer. We already knew that (1) activated oncogenes were present in cancer cells, and (2) they could be isolated from the cancer cells. To prove causation, we have to prove that activated oncogenes can create cancer in an animal. In 1984, using transgenic mouse technology, Philip Leders team at Harvard created transgenic mice with an activated c-myc gene expressed in the breast cells. The mice developed small tumors in their breast late in life after pregnancy. To test the roles of environmental stimuli and other oncogenes, Leder created a second OncoMouse with ras and myc expressed in breast cells. The mice developed tiny distinct tumors in their breasts in months, pregnancy not required. Scientists had created real, living tumors in an animal. The Hallmarks of Cancer Philip Leders experiment showed that scientists had created real tumors by manipulating two genes, ras and myc, in an animal. But activating two potent proto-oncogenes did not create the full syndrome of cancer in every cell of the mouse. It raised further questions about the genesis of cancer. In 1988, using human specimens, a physician named Bert Vogelstein set out to describe the number of genetic changes required to start cancer. Vogelstein studied how normal cells progress to cancer cells in colon cancer. He found a consistent pattern in his colon cancer samples. The genetic progression of cancer was a multi-step process. The transitions in the stages of cancer mirrored the transitions in genetic changes. Cancer cells did not activate or inactivate at random. Instead, the shift from a pre-malignant state to an invasive cancer correlated with the activation and inactivation of genes in a strict and stereotypical sequence. Cancer cells are caused by mutations of genes in their DNA. Besides uncontrolled growth, cancer cells also can resist death signals, grow their own blood vessels, and metastasize throughout the body. In January 2000, Robert Weinberg and Douglas Hanahan wrote the seminal paper, The Hallmarks of Cancer that gave the six essential changes in cell physiology that collectively cause cancer: Self-sufficiency in growth signals gas pedal stuck on Insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals- brakes dont work Evading of programmed cell death (apoptosis) wont die Limitless replicative potential uncontrolled growth Sustained angiogenesis having its own blood supply Tissue invasion and metastasis
Sunday, October 13, 2019
How To Get Married And Stay Married To The Perfect Mate!! :: essays research papers
How To Get Married and Stay Married To The Perfect Mate!! This book will talk about the ways and theories of how to stay married one you are married. It will cover stuff like communication, similarity, physical attractiveness, similarity, balance and equity theory, and proximity. Communication is important in relationships. I will cover the aspects of non-verbal and verbal communications. In the book I will convey the differences in the way men and woman think and this will help give a better understanding of each other and will in turn allow them to work out their problems effectively... Another aspect I will talk about is the reinforcement theory. This theory talks about the fact that you will like someone who positively reinforces you. I will talk about how this theory can be used in marriages to keep couple closer together, keeping them liking each other. In my book, I will also talk about the balance theory. The balance theory is the notion that people have the same negative and positive ways of thinking.. When this is not so, you have an imbalance which can disrupt a relationship. I will talk about how a couple can use the balance theory to make sure that they will be happy. Another theory I will talk about is the equity theory. This theory dictates that people will be more attracted to someone that they have a fair relationship with. It states that we will be happier with a person who takes as much as they give to us. Over a long term relationship, like marriage, this is important because both husband and wife feel that they are approximately equal. In my book I will talk about how to use this theory to makes sure that both couples get the same out of the relationship. I will also talk about proximity in my book. Proximity talks about being near to your partner. It is important because if one partner is away all the time, the couple will not become as close. I will deal with the aspect of how to stay in close proximity with your partner and this will lead to a closer relationship between the two. It is also important to start a relationship with someone who is near to you because this will allow the relationship to better develop itself. Also, there must be similarity between the couples. In my book I will talk about finding someone who has similar interests and traits. When two people are similar, the more likely they are to be attracted to each other and the more likely they are to be happy while they are dating and when they are
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Free Essays on Whartons Ethan Frome: Unselfish and Stupid Ethan :: Ethan Frome Essays
Unselfish and Stupid Ethan Frome Ethan Frome was an unselfish man, he looked out for the interests of others and acted to serve them rather than himself. Though this attitude is normally considered a wonderful characteristic it proved to be Ethan Frome's undoing. All of Ethan's troubles were a direct result of his unselfishness and strict moral standards. The life that Ethan lived, the plot of the story, could have been drastically changed, and most likely changed for the better had Ethan considered the effects of his actions and decisions upon himself. Ethan was an intelligent man, he had high dreams for himself as an engineer, and he wanted to have a life away from the ceaseless drudgery of life in Starksville. When his mother died leaving Zeena without a place to go, Ethan, being the kind man he was, offered to marry her because he felt obligated to do so. This decision however shut out his hopes for a better life. In order for Ethan to get an education he must have money. In order for Ethan to get money he must sell the farm. And with a new wife to take care of he could not possibly manage it. Ethan's decision to marry Zeena had fettered his social mobility and had brought about the backlash of Zeena's discontent. Ethan further brought on the wrath of Zeena when he chose to get involved with Mattie. Ethan cared a great deal for Mattie and didn't' want Zeena to take her from him. Because Mattie was not well suited to be a maid and frequently made mistakes Ethan would help her with her chores. Ethan also comforted her and tried to hide her shortcomings from Zeena. However his efforts to help Mattie ended up hurting him. Zeena was most definitely aware of Ethan's fondness of Mattie; she insinuated this when she locked Ethan and Mattie out of the house. Besides helping Mattie with her chores Ethan stood up for her and stood up for her in front of Zeena. When the cat broke the pickle dish when Zeena was away at seeing a doctor Ethan went out of his way to try to cover it up. He concocted a plan to buy some glue and put the dish back together so that Zeena wouldn't notice. When that plan failed and Zeena found the broken dish, Ethan was willing to take the blame instead of Mattie.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Plant Responses
PLANT RESPONSES TROPISM is a biological phenomenon, indicating growth or turning movement of a biological organism, usually a plant, in response to an environmental stimulus. In tropisms, this response is dependent on the direction of the species. The word tropism comes from the Greek trope (ââ¬Å"to turnâ⬠or ââ¬Å"to changeâ⬠). Tropisms are usually named for the stimulus involved and may be either positive (towards the stimulus) or negative (away from the stimulus). Phototropism is the growth response of a plant in response to light direction.Different parts of a plant exhibit different reactions to light. Stems exhibit positive phototropism while most roots exhibit negative phototropism. Geotropism is the growth response of a plant in response to gravity. Roots exhibit positive geotropism while stems and leaves exhibit negative geotropism. Hydrotropism is the growth response of a plant to water. Roots exhibit positive hydrotropism. Thigmotropism is the growth response of a plant to physical contact (touch). Plants that cling to physical structures such as walls exhibit positive thigmotropism.Chemotropism is the growth response of a plant to a particular chemical. Roots grow toward useful minerals in the soil but away from acids. PLANT HORMONES Auxins are a class of plant hormones (or plant growth substances) with some morphogen-like characteristics. Auxins have a cardinal role in coordination of many growth and behavioral processes in the plant's life cycle and are essential for plant body development. functions -Stimulates cell elongation -Stimulates cell division in the cambium and, in combination with cytokinins in tissue culture -Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem Stimulates root initiation on stem cuttings and lateral root development in tissue culture -Mediates the tropistic response of bending in response to gravity and light -The auxin supply from the apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds -Delays leaf senescence -Can in hibit or promote (via ethylene stimulation) leaf and fruit abscission -Can induce fruit setting and growth in some plants -Involved in assimilate movement toward auxin possibly by an effect on phloem transport -Delays fruit ripening -Promotes flowering in Bromeliads Stimulates growth of flower parts -Promotes (via ethylene production) femaleness in dioecious flowers -Stimulates the production of ethylene at high concentrations GIBBERILLIN Unlike the classification of auxins which are classified on the basis of function, gibberellins are classified on the basis of structure as well as function. All gibberellins are derived from the ent-gibberellane skeleton. The structure of this skeleton derivative along with the structure of a few of the active gibberellins are shown above.The gibberellins are named GA1â⬠¦. GAn in order of discovery. Gibberellic acid, which was the first gibberellin to be structurally characterised , is GA3. Function ââ¬â Stimulate stem elongation by stimul ating cell division and elongation. -Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days. -Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require stratification or light to induce germination. -Stimulates enzyme production (a-amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed reserves. -Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex expression). Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit development. -Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits. Abscisic acid is a single compound unlike the auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins. It was called ââ¬Å"abscisin IIâ⬠originally because it was thought to play a major role in abscission of fruits. At about the same time another group was calling it ââ¬Å"dorminâ⬠because they thought it had a major role in bud dormancy. The name abscisic acid (ABA) was coined by a compromise between the two groups.Though ABA generally is thought to play mostly inhibitory roles, it has many promoting functions as well(Arteca, 1996; Mause th, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992). Function -Stimulates the closure of stomata (water stress brings about an increase in ABA synthesis). -Inhibits shoot growth but will not have as much affect on roots or may even promote growth of roots. -Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins. -Inhibits the affect of gibberellins on stimulating de novo synthesis of a-amylase. -Has some effect on induction and maintanance of dormancy. Induces gene transcription especially for proteinase inhibitors in response to wounding which may explain an apparent role in pathogen defense. Cytokinins are compounds with a structure resembling adenine which promote cell division and have other similar functions to kinetin. Kinetin was the first cytokinin discovered and so named because of the compounds ability to promote cytokinesis (cell division). Though it is a natural compound, It is not made in plants, and is therefore usually considered a ââ¬Å"syntheticâ⬠cytokinin (meaning that t he hormone is synthesized somewhere other than in a plant).The most common form of naturally occurring cytokinin in plants today is called zeatin which was isolated from corn (Zea mays). Function -Stimulates cell division. -Stimulates morphogenesis (shoot initiation/bud formation) in tissue culture. -Stimulates the growth of lateral buds-release of apical dominance. -Stimulates leaf expansion resulting from cell enlargement. -May enhance stomatal opening in some species. -Promotes the conversion of etioplasts into chloroplasts via stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHORT DAY PLANTSShort-day and long-day plants exhibit a response to photoperiodism, or the changes in light and dark in a twenty-four-hour cycle. Short-day plants form flowers when the days become shorter than a critical length, while long-day plants form flowers when the days become longer than a critical length. Short-day plants bloom in late summer or autumn in middle latitudes. Examples of short- day plants are chrysanthemums, goldenrods, poinsettias, soybeans, and ragweed. Long-day plants bloom in spring and early summer. Some examples of long-day plants are clover, irises, and hollyhocks.Florists and commercial plant growers can adjust the amount of light a plant receives to force it to bloom out of season. A short day plant is a plant that flowers only when it is exposed to light for a short period of time, like in early spring or fall, approximately 12 hours. Chrysanthemums and strawberries are short day plants. A long day plant flowers only when it is exposed to light for a long period of time, like in the summer. Lettuces, spinach, and other different types of wheat are long day palnts. Short- need a lot of night long- need a lot of day.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The tremendous growth experienced
In Nigerian tertiary Institutions In the last two decade without a corresponding increase In bed space had resulted In acute shortage of rooms in the hostel thereby overstretching the capacity of the existing structures they were originally meant for. Hostel accommodation Is one of the essential factors in every learning environment. In Nigeria most Institution of higher learning are owned by the government as such accommodation cannot be adequately provided to cater for the highly populated Institutions, Inadequacy andInsufficient hostel accommodation has led to overcrowding In rooms and some students living outside campus which In turn affect their learning. Built-operate- Transfer (BOOT) emerged as one of the tool In helping to address the situation which becomes a burden to government. BOOT is a type of project delivery that involves different parties whom each contribute in order to see the success of the project. It is a private agreement to build and operate in a public infras tructure project.The consortia then secure their own finance to sponsor the project. The consortium then own, maintains and manage the facility for an agreed concessionary period and recover their investment through charges or toll free. After the concessionary period, the consortia transfer the ownership and operation of the project to the government or relevant authority. This study takes Federal College of education (Technical) Biochip as a case study.Government Ministries, such as Federal Ministry of Education who govern the affairs of the school were consulted. Questionnaire and verbal interview were employed in data collection. After the analysis it was found that construction of hostels under BOOT is yielding a positive impact. The findings should serve as a good baseline for the government in solving the accommodation problem and overcrowding in the higher institution of learning in Nigeria.Therefore there is need for the government to give more support to Public Private Par tnership sector so that accommodation problem will be solved. By Amnion The tremendous growth experienced in Nigerian tertiary institutions in the last two aced without a corresponding increase in bed space had resulted in acute structures they were originally meant for.Hostel accommodation is one of the essential factors in every learning environment. In Nigeria most institution of higher adequately provided to cater for the highly populated institutions, inadequacy and insufficient hostel accommodation has led to overcrowding in rooms and some students living outside campus which in turn affect their learning. Built-operate- Transfer (BOOT) emerged as one of the tool in helping to address the situation which
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Enchaning level of engagement with data in the allocation anduse in Dissertation
Enchaning level of engagement with data in the allocation anduse in Seychelles -would an integrated VFM code be a useful initiat - Dissertation Example This conclusion is that the country is at a point in its economic management where needs to be an urgent intervention to savage it from further deterioration. Presently, the debt to Gross Domestic Product for Seychelles stands at 160% (Advisory Group, 2001). This is an exorbitant value that indicts the possibility of the country to becoming totally classified as economically independent. What is even more disturbing is the fact that Seychelles is a country of barely two million people. The attempts made by international bodies such as the World Bank and United Human Development in consultation with the government to undertake reforms in the public sector to curb the current problems would therefore be described as a step in the right direction. However, the current problem has gone beyond the use of paper work policies. It is therefore high time the country adapted a comprehensive model in savaging the situation other than the value for money code policy currently in use. 5.1.2 Value for Money Code policy for Seychelles Legal dimension As a first step towards the mitigation of massive waste in the public sector, which has led to the existence of the current huge debt to GDP, Seychelles has adapted the use of value for money code policy. ... In Seychelles where this research is being focused on, the President Representative reports of proofs of how several projects that were started have been left to be white elephants. There is therefore a legal mandate for government to ensure that certain red flags that predict ineffectiveness and inefficiencies with the procurement processes are blocked. There must also be review on the mandate of the various ministries in Seychelles. This would ensure that some of the powers and autonomies given to the ministries as members of the executive arm of government in manipulating the flow and assignment of projects are curtailed. In most modern economies, a chunk of the blame of mismanagement is directed at the executive arm of government (Aicken and McCrae, 1992a). It is often thought that the executive arm of government is too powerful and manipulates other arms of government like the judiciary and legislature. Should there be a generalised autonomy of the various arms therefore, some o f these irregularities will be corrected. Political dimension From a political dimension, there cannot be any better conclusion drawn for the government of Seychelles to follow than for it to check its transparency policies. This should apply to both the public and private sectors but with particular emphasis on the public sector. According to the literature review and views from respondents who answered the interview, access to information and freedom to the flow of information is the most viable means of ensuring transparency in the public. In this regard, the media has been identified as very good agents for policing and interrogating all policies and programs carried out in the public sector. From the literature
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Biometrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Biometrics - Essay Example In the present contemporary era of computer science, a different role is being played by the biometrics applications. A particular class of identification technologies has been referred by the high technology sector of the biometrics. In specific, an individualââ¬â¢s identity is determined by the utilization of different technologies that refer to the individual biological traits. In this regard, fingerprints, retina, facial recognition, iris patterns, etc. are some of the major examples of the biological traits that are considered in the field of biometrics. Technical ability of the humans in terms of cataloguing and tracking the biological traits is considered during the selection of individual traits in the contemporary biometric applications. It is observed that a number of biological traits are easy to acquire; however, some are difficult to obtain, which has resulted in the creation of a number of complexities in the field of biometrics. In this regard, a number of experts are endeavoring for the improvement of biometric technology for the advancement of security of life measurements that can provide and ensure foolproof security in different organizations. Today, more reliability has been shown by the fingerprint readers that are available in different markets at very low cost. On the other hand, retina scanners are very costly, and therefore, it will take years to replace the less-accurate fingerprint scanners in different parts of the globe. Nowadays, digital and computer security is confronting immense demand, which has been ca used by the security breaches in different organizations around the world. In this regard, a number of studies are being carried out to ensure effective security, which is now one of the major concerns of the present technological globe. (Thieme, pp. 25-28) In the dominion of computer security, physiological and individual human characteristics are
Monday, October 7, 2019
Property ownership, oral evidence (parole) Assignment
Property ownership, oral evidence (parole) - Assignment Example However, in some cases verbal agreements may be considered as evidence. In instances where a written contract contains clerical or typographical errors, oral evidence may be presented after the written agreement since the written agreement in such a case does not show the true agreement made. Clerical errors may make alter the meaning of the contract or may omit critical details in the contract. In such occasions, the complainant may be allowed to present verbal contracts as evidence. The court may also consider the verbal contract in cases where one party entered into a contract under duress, mistake, fraud or undue influence. Contracts that are entered into under pressure force are considered as null and void and thereby giving room to presentation of verbal agreements. Verbal agreement may also be accepted after a contract if one of the parties proves to the court that there was a separate agreement made between the parties. In cases where a written contract is ambiguous, verbal a greement may be used in order to clarify the true meaning of the contract. The law of sales involves many written and oral agreements which contribute to determining a courtââ¬â¢s decisions when the two parties cannot agree or are in a dispute. In cases regarding sale of property, the law allows the court to refer to prior, contemporaneous, and subsequent verbal agreements in order to supplement the written agreement or give better and detailed explanations of the written agreement (Klass, 2010). In property sales cases, the court examines factors such as course dealing, trade usage and proof of consistent additional terms. Paulââ¬â¢s property purchase should present a written agreement that shows that the house was sold together with carpet. If such termsà are not in theà written agreement, he should prove that they had verbally agreed that the carpet will be sold together with house. The company may also produce evidence that will show that in previous business transaction
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The United Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The United Nations - Essay Example The UN peace troops only observed from the ground and neutrally reported on obedience to the cessation of hostilities, personnel pullout or other elements of peace treaties. The United Nations Principle of peacekeeping had commenced during the height of the Cold War as a probable solution to the growing tensions between states by fielding military personnel who are either unarmed or lightly armed. These personnel are from various countries who could be called anytime by the UN Security Council when the observing of peacekeeping or ceasefires are being observed to uphold peace and security for all citizens, "as projected by the United Nations Charter." (UN Meeting New Challenges 2007). The end of the Cold War had profoundly affected the role of world peacekeeping of the UN. The demise of bipolarization triggered the Security Council to establish a larger and more expanded peacekeeping missions, more often than not to persuade states to pursue peace agreements. Moreover, UN peacekeeping after the Cold War integrated into a non-military element form to guarantee sustainability.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Quantitative Comparison of Academic Achievement in NYC Public Schools Dissertation
Quantitative Comparison of Academic Achievement in NYC Public Schools vs. NYC Charter Schools Measured by 2009 - 2010 NYS ELA and Math Exams - Dissertation Example According to the research findings charter schools are public schools that operate independently of the district board of education, making them a one-school public school district. They have their own charters written by private individuals: parents, educators, community leaders that enumerate their laws, governance structure and principles. This autonomous setup results in bigger accountabilities for the school. Because of this autonomy and customized curricula, many people believe that charter schools are far more beneficial to children, as compared to public schools. People also believe that charter schools provide better services because of the high standards they set for themselves. There are studies that compare the effectiveness of public schools versus charter schools. However, they differ in their findings. As our understanding of the cognitive development of young children increases, so does the need for high-quality childhood education programs facilitated by confident, c ompetent instructors. The growing appreciation for the potential benefits of quality educational programs has strengthened funding agenciesââ¬â¢ and policy makersââ¬â¢ commitment to ensuring all families have access to programming that can support and enhance childrenââ¬â¢s development, growth, and learning. These benefits can be realized, however, only in high-quality programs with characteristics linked to positive outcomes for children. The establishment of a stable formula for measuring the academic achievement of the students from public schools and charter schools is needed. According to research conducted by Lubienski and Lubienski (2006), public schools and charter schools in New York City are both able to produce students that exemplify academic excellence. Since the No Child Left Behind (NCLB, 2002) legislation was enacted, schools must show that they are contributing to a childââ¬â¢s academic achievement, especially in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. Brennan (2009) indicates that New York City public school students outperform their peers from comparable school districts, giving the distinct impression that public schools are also effective educational forums. Conversely, the achievement analysis conducted by Hoxby, Murarka, & Kang (2009) indicates that charter schools are superior to public schools in their ability to educate students in a multitude of academic categories. In addition, Lubienski & Lubienski (2006) indicate that charter school and the ââ¬Å"private-style organizational modelsâ⬠(p.2) were ahead of public schools in providing a model for
Friday, October 4, 2019
Gender wage gap discrimination in Canada, ontario and how it affects Essay
Gender wage gap discrimination in Canada, ontario and how it affects women especially, immigrant women. - 12 font, time new roman - Essay Example Despite the efforts of the international labour organization and the human rights commission to fight against wage differences across genders, this problem still persists. Research shows that wage balance is one way of empowering the economy by providing equal chances for every person in the society to develop. While some analytics argue that wage gap is a result of difference in education level across genders, this paper argues that wage gap is a form of discrimination. The gender wage gap in Ontario has been a controversial issue since early 1980s when this difference was noted. Cornish and Faraday (2008) noted that women salary for equal position in Ontario is 29% below that of women indicating a wide salary gap across the gender boundaries. A close look at the wage gap trends indicates that there has only been slight improvement in the last 25 years despite the numerous efforts to close this gap. In 1987, before the emergence of wage gap activists, the wage gap was approximately 37% in Ontario. These trends indicate that the efforts to bring down the gap have been undermined and the gap remains wide. Cornish (2009) points out the wage gap has affected aboriginal women who have migrated to Ontario in search for a job. This trend in the Ontario employment sector is a matter that has attracted a lot of attention not only from the public but also to the women right activists as many feel that there is a need for equal pay across all gender as part o f diversity management. Cornish and Faraday (2008) point out that the wage gap difference is a matter of urgency that must be addressed to fight gender oppression in the society. Wages gap analysts have come up with myriad argument on the cause of wage gap across gender in Canada, Ontario. A good number of them argue that the education difference in Ontario is the major reason why there is wage gap in this society. The argument of those who feel
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Caravaggioââ¬â¢s David with the Head of Goliath Essay Example for Free
Caravaggioââ¬â¢s David with the Head of Goliath Essay Caravaggioââ¬â¢s David with the Head of Goliath is a truly important picture expressing arts underlying paradigm, every painter paints himself, in a clear and unmistakeable way. It was reported in the mid-seventeenth century that both heads, Goliaths and Davids, are self-portraits at different stages of life though David is described as ââ¬Å"il suo Caravagginoâ⬠, or in English ââ¬Å"his little Caravaggio.â⬠1 This clearly refers to how Caravaggio painted himself when young because although his real name was Michelangelo Merisi he was known in Rome as Caravaggio. 2 Remarkably, despite this, few art historians have noted Caravaggioââ¬â¢s self-identification in both figures. One thought it was partly sub-conscious, a psychic echo of the artists violent past.3 Michael Fried, on the other hand, a scholar who often recognizes the act of creation depicted in art thought otherwise. He recently described Davids gesture as a disguised mirror representation of the act of applying paint to canvas, though there is also an important sense in which the head of Goliath may be taken as standing for the painting itself.4 God bless Fried! Other scholars unable to explain why Caravaggio would kill himself, even in a painting, suggest the phrase refers to someone else, ââ¬Å"a boy from the town, Caravaggioâ⬠though they cannot say who.5 It is an escape clause. In the world of literal art scholars, artists do not kill themselves in a painting so they imagine something else or ignore the problem. Few early masterpieces so clearly express that every painter paints himself but scholars, convinced that artists tell logical stories that even a patron can understand, have long tried to deny the obvious: both heads represent the artist. This painting, like so many others over the centuries, depicts its own creation in the artistââ¬â¢s mind. Goliath, too, is not a symbol of evil, as conventionally claimed, but of chaos, the chaos so central to creative thinking. Art is first imagined in a mind full of chaotic and random thoughts. As two or more combine spontaneously, the artist begins to impose order on the chaos to create the work. Goliaths death, his head tamed by being depicted forever in mid-scream, is a metaphoric description of that process. Yet while David with the artists frown looks inward to depict the inner process of creation, Goliath also with an artists frown looks outward. He is the painting.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Marketing Strategy for DAMAC
Marketing Strategy for DAMAC Introduction DAMAC Properties is a Dubai based company established in 2002. It is a private, commercial and leisure developer with ââ¬Å"iconicâ⬠improvements and developments in staggering areas in significant urban communities in the Middle East has helped DAMAC construct image and repute for making lavish and alluring properties. Previously DAMAC Properties has extended its network within a few years of success, in to regions of North Africa, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Since its establishment in 2002, DAMAC has conveyed 9,318 units to date and as of now has an advancement arrangement of in excess of 25,000 units at different phases of advancement and arranging conveying DAMACs vision of extravagance living with amazing private, accommodation, and relaxation and business improvements. At the heart of the Groups society lies the yearning to convey this vision for its clients, with the Companys c.1,400 workers dealing with the whole process ââ¬â from the determination of improvement accomplices, for example, designers, planners and foremen, the distance to the handover of keys. To guarantee improvements are conveyed to the most elevated conceivable measures, DAMAC gives the privilege working environment to capable workers chooses just the privilege accomplices and creates ventures in prime areas. Continuously at the bleeding edge of visionary ideas, DAMAC has associations with ââ¬Å"Paramount Hotels Resortsâ⬠, the official licensee of Paramount Pictures, Italian design houses Versace Home and FENDI Casa for marked private condo and manors and the Trump Organization for the advancement and operations of the Trump International Golf Course, Dubai and the Trump Estates inside the AKOYA by DAMAC improvement. As DAMAC keeps on innovating and bring new ideas to the business sector, the Company is resolved to expand on its compelling execution to date. With vision and energy, DAMAC is building the up and coming era of Middle East extravagance living. The Company issued Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) which are recorded on the London Stock Exchange. Citibank N.A. goes about as the depositary for the GDR. The projects by DAMAC Properties include; Marina Terrance, Executive Heights, Lake View, Lake Terrance, The Waves, Smart Heights, Park Towers and DAMAC Maison, The Summit. These projects deliver a luxury and undergo desire for design and quality. Mission: DAMAC states its mission as ââ¬Å"delivering value to its customerâ⬠. Basically it aims to deliver. DAMAC ensures that the developments and establishments of buildings are delivered with the highest possible standards from the creative employees, architecture and contractor and designers. Since its history starting from 2002, it has maintained a record of building delivery with its vision of luxury developments. Market Description: Market serves as a medium for interaction of buyer and seller. It can be highly unpredictable. Throughout the world market with the perspective of buyer differs from sellerââ¬â¢s point of view. Market changes daily whereas from business perspective it creates a daily challenge. Throughout the world, organizations are confronting the challenge of global rivalry and with the effects of globalization on political, financial, economic and society; patterns of purchasing and offering are changed. The organizations in worldwide business sector are attempting to profit by the favorable circumstances that have been made because of globalization. In this present period of globalization the organizations are attempting to execute progressed innovation so as to expand their core competency and business yields. Because of immense rivalry in worldwide business associations are selecting competitive workers and executing a few extraordinary marketing techniques. The organizations ought to be learned enough about different components of promoting process to exhibit the understanding of overseeing marketing. There are diverse components of marketing process and strategic implementation of these processes, for example, strategic plan for marketing mix implementation, strategies for targeting, segmentation, positioning based on focus and cost effective methodologies. Market segmentation is used to identify the different segments of consumers with respect to different product line. (Kotler, 2009)Targeting strategy is used to recognize the target audience for the particular products. Product positioning is used to identify the region in which the products will compete in a market place. These different elements of marketing process are elaborated in this study in order to understand managing marketing. Dubai is a major and attractive marketing hub and since the developments in Arab nations and Muslim world, opportunities for business investments are growing higher. The global recoveries in 2003 of Dubai, the economic conditions of Dubai region are improved with a growth of GDP. This recovery has led to benefit the housing scheme and real estate business around Dubai where people has a clear change in their life styles. The market changing perspectives of Dubai housing and building schemes are identified in this report with the help of marketing strategies adopted by DAMAC Company. DAMAC Properties introduction and mission is also discussed previously, further the report will discuss about its current marketing details and future marketing plans. Strategic Implementation: DAMAC business strategy and objectives are aligned to its vision of leading and creating innovation thus its strategy revolves around the core steps as follows: Buy: DAMAC identifies the golden opportunities of premium lands and buy the property. It reviews the economic and favorable business opportunities in other countries outside of Dubai. Create: DAMAC creates a highly valuable and luxurious and innovative lifestyle through its buildings and value added projects. Sell: It sells the premium quality property while creating business associations and relationships with the leading housing and hotel brands. Build: DAMAC has built efficient projects through proper utilization of strategic planning, budget controlling and maximizing the profits. Marketing Mix Marketing mix of anorganizationis the spine of any organizations promoting system. Each heading association needs to examine the showcasing blend productively keeping in mind the end goal to do the method development (Jobber, 2012) Product:à DAMAC introduces the innovative and luxurious houses and properties. Its projects are alliances of other leading brands such as Paramount Hotels. DAMACââ¬â¢s projects include Marina Terrance, Executive Heights, Lake View, Lake Terrance, The Waves, Smart Heights, Park Towers and DAMAC Maison etc. AKOYA is a luxurious villa, and a future business plan of DAMAC. Price: DAMAC has set premium prices for its products and services. One reason include its target market i.e., highly innovative and lifestyle oriented. Other reason is the scope of housing and building schemes in Dubai. In long run, the business could benefit from the increasing rates and opportunities of growth. In 2020 the prices are expected to show increasing trend for housing projects in Dubai. Place:à DAMAC has located the areas of Middle East, North Africa and others with a major hub in Dubai. It has a geographical focus on worldwide opportunities. Primarily it operates in residential sector but it also aims to create market in commercial development and co-brands of hotel and apartments. It has international and national offices for dealing and other matters. Promotion: It uses face to face market tools through its presence in Dubai Malls. It also uses technology and electronic media for its promotion. Target Customer: DAMAC has targeted the customer with; innovative lifestyle and luxury seeking attribute. It has focused mainly on the high income that does not bother to pay high for their niche requirements. Market Segmentation There are severalkeyelements in marketing strategies. Market segmentation is one of those key elementsthat have been implemented in maximum time. Behavioral Segmentation:à Based on behavioral segmentation, Customer behavior include the luxury and relaxed life style, need of housing style as in western nations. The company has built projects with premium quality and luxurious life styles and a never ending experience. Profile Segmentation:à A customer who is well cultured and has a good educational background with higher earnings level comes under this segment. Trade and commerce related background people are top most targeted customers. Young married couples and old ones are mostly targeted. Geographic Segmentation:à On the basis of geographic segmentation, it has eyed upon the regions of premium and worthy lands which can create a desire in people who want a standard and premium lifestyle. Psychographic segmentation: DAMAC has targeted the customers of middle age; young couples with energy and fun element seeking for spending time with high enduring tastes and values depending upon social class. Old aged based on their living style of being prestigious and with high standards.à Market Opportunities: Consumer Behavior The consumer behavior analysis relies on the relationship of people with the assistance of marketing mix. Additionally, pay level of individuals and socio-cultural variables assume a huge part on purchasing conduct of consumers (Pride Ferrell, 2011).In term of profits, business of DAMAC can lead to go up as the consumer needs of luxurious life style as adopted by Western culture has increased in Dubai and Middle East. Since this desire, the marketing for middling ranged income group is another opportunity to look forward. Since DAMAC focus of premium price, it also needs to look forward and create luxury life style opportunity for affordable range. In future, housing scheme and land prices are expected to grow up with double or triple rates. Thus, it may suggest business growth and future investment opportunities as DAMAC reports for 2013 shows its profits and success, thus the growth continues to rise. (DAMAC Annual Report, 2013) The graph below presents the current leading situati ons to opportunities for growth in hoteling and related requirements. Because Dubai is a major hub for many international events, people will seek the facility of hoteling for stay such as for events like Dubai expo. Towards the end of 2020, pattern for hoteling and housing scheme shows an upward trend. Source: ( Market Research: Secondary Research:à All the data is collected from the sources available on net, the journals, news and annual report of the company. Also the theories from scholarly sources are also present to back up the marketing report. Primary Research:à Primary research is conducted on the basis of survey. The respondents were selected and their response is collected through the designed questionnaire present in the Appendix A at the end. Bibliography DAMAC Annual Report. (2013). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved December 25, 2014, from Jobber, D. (2012). Principles and Practice of Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Kotler, P. (2009). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education India.,+P.+(2009).+Principles+of+Marketing.+Pearson+Education+India.ots=UhHdTbDNHzsig=CYs0TJTf7gnth-JsooXTBZ2R3Fg Pride Ferrell. (2011). Marketing. . Stamford: Cengage Learning. Ferrell. (2011). Marketing.f=false Appendix A Questionnaire: Demographics: (Mandatory) Name: Age: Occupation: Income: Question Strongly Agree Agree Moderate Disagree Strongly Disagree The changing trends and globalization has impacted the lifestyle of people in Arab nations, more particularly in Dubai? The market need of customer is changing due to increasing trend of social class and society standards The increase in income is one source of change in need of life style. Present market conditions suggest that there is a need to focus on housing trends and styles Luxury is a need to todayââ¬â¢s world. How convinced is a middle class person to buy a luxury life style: Greatly Moderately Depends upon his income Depends on his needs Depends on his income and other social factors Why would you prefer, a luxury home in attractive location: Due to increase in income Due to societal trends and need of standards and lifestyle Other Factors: â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ Open Ended Questions: What do you think about DAMAC and its success? Have you ever visited or a client at DAMAC Properties? â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ How far DAMAC Properties has fascinated the clients based on its vision of delivering luxury? â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦
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